Big Bands in the Camps
Twenty bands. Names like the Jive Bombers, the Melody Makers, the D-Elevens, the Stardusters. Playing music from the top of the charts outside of the barbed wire: Jimmy Dorsey, Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Artie Shaw, Harry James, Duke Ellington... all that swing, all that jazz.
Big bands proliferated in the camps like the sagebrush that surrounded them. It was the music of the youth, the young Nisei, second generation Japanese Americans. And for the time that they performed or they danced or they watched, these young Americans were able to escape the drudgery, the humiliation and the discomfort of being behind barbed wire and connect with their music. It proved to be a healing and regenerative force, and created self esteem and pride where those attributes were beaten down by the injustices of their imprisonment.
Band leaders like Nob Kuwatani, Tad Yamamoto, George Igawa, Norman Ishimoto, Bill Wakatsuki, Paul Higaki, Mickey Tanaka, Woody Ichihashi, Riki Matsufuji, Tom Tsuji, Hideo Kawano -- all played music before the war and quickly got talent together in the assembly centers and detention camps. Instruments were lugged into the camps as essential items for survival. Others were eventually purchased or donated by friends on the outside. Laundry rooms, any spare room became practice rooms and the dances where the band played proved wildly popular and something to look forward to each weekend.
Music Makers, Amache Detention Camp
Jivesters, Topaz Detention Camp
Music Makers, Poston Detention Camp #1
Jive Bombers, Manzanar Detention Camp
Gila River Dance
Amache Detention Camp Dance
George Igawa Band, Heart Mountain
Detention Camp
Downbeats, Tule Lake Detention Camp
Heart Mountain Dance
Manzanar Detention Camp Dance
Heart Mountain Dance
Big Bands in the Japanese
American Incarceration
Camps 1942-1945:
The Starlight Serenaders
Santa Anita Detention Center,
Arcadia, CA
The Music Makers
Poston Detention Camp #1, Arizona
Camp #2 Band
Poston Detention Camp #2, Arizona
Poston Detention Camp #3, Arizona
Camp Harmony Detention Center
Puyallup, Washington
Starlight Serenaders
Gila River Canal
Detention Camp, Arizona
The Music Makers
Gila River Butte
Detention Camp, Arizona
The Densoneers
(aka The D-Elevens)
Jerome Detention Camp, Arkansas
The Pomonans
Pomona Detention Center, California
The George Igawa Band
Heart Mountain
Detention Camp, Wyoming
Jive Bombers
Manzanar Detention Camp, California
Merced Detention Center, California
Music Makers
Amache Detention Camp,
Granada, Colorado
Tule Lake Detention Camp, California
The Down Beats
Tule Lake Detention Camp, California
The Tanforan Tooters
Tanforan Detention Center, California
The Topaz Tooters
Topaz Detention Camp, Utah
The Jivesters
Topaz Detention Camp, Utah
The Savoy Four
Topaz Detention Camp, Utah
The Rhythm Kings
Topaz Detention Camp, Utah
Band members from the camps went on to make a lasting contribution to Asian American popular music in the 20th century. Japanese American musicians who played overseas were instrumental in promoting and influencing the jazz scene in Japan before and after the war.
Photo credits: Japanese American Relocation Digital Archives and private family collections (Special thanks to Asano Kuwatani for her camp memorabilia)
website design and copy: Amy Uyeki © 2013
Jive Bombers, Manzanar
4th of July, 1942, Music Makers, Poston
Yoshindo Shibuya,
Jive Bombers
Invitation for farewell to camp army Inductees,
Amache Detention Camp
Camp dance invitation, Amache
As we embraced the irresistible music of Glen Miller and Duke Ellington, we were shouting, "We are Americans! We are Americans! When the war is over, we will still be seeking our American Dreams as we did before.” George Yoshida